Missouri Payroll Updates - October 2024

Week Of 10.21.2024

Missouri Unemployment Information for 2025 Released

The Missouri Department of Labor released unemployment information for tax year 2025. Taxable wage base: $9,500 ($10,000 in 2024). New employer tax rate: 2.376% (unchanged from 2024). However, the rate for nonprofit organizations will remain at 1.00%. Experience-rated employers: For experience-rated employers, the rate is based on a ratio arrived at by dividing an employer's account balance by its average annual taxable payroll. Rates could range from 0.0% to 6.0%, not including maximum rate surcharge and/or contribution rate adjustment. Share Work Program: Rates for employers participating in the Shared Work Program could range from 0.0% to 9.0%, also not including maximum rate surcharge and/or contribution rate adjustment. Surcharge: Additionally, if an employer has been at the maximum experience rate for two consecutive years, a surcharge of 0.25% is added to the rate. In the event that an employer remains at the maximum rate for a third or subsequent year, an additional surcharge of 0.25% is added each year to the annual rate calculation up to 1%. Additional surcharge: If an employer continues to remain at the maximum rate, an additional surcharge of 0.5% is added. In no case will the surcharge exceed 1.5% in any given year. Federal Interest Assessment: A Federal Interest Assessment is not expected to be necessary for calendar year 2025. For additional information on determining Missouri unemployment tax rates, see Payroll Guide ¶15,505.